Online TeaTimer / TeeUhr so that the tea succeeds on the PC workplace, too! ------- Advantage of the used applet technology in relation to the already existing programs of this kind is the serviceability WITHOUT INSTALLATION, WORLDWIDE ON EACH COMPUTER WITH INTERNET ACCESS...... A download of this program is actually not necessary at all, since it is available at any time in the WorldWideWeb for simple and immediate use. ------- At my daily work I constantly sit on other foreign computers of different clients. Often an installation of own software is forbidden and/or technically not possible on these computers. Therefore I can not use the already existing tools, but need a tool that is always and immediately available - platform independent and without installation expenditure. I created this tool with the ONLINE-TEA-TIMER and offer it for free use now.
V3.1 (2011): + Darstellung durch Wechsel des LayoutManagers stabilisiert + Weitere Parameter hinzugefuegt zur flexibleren Verwendung --- V2.x (2008): + Portierung auf Java 5.0 + Einfuehrung der Nutzerkonfiguration ueber Programmparameter --- V1 (2005): Erstveroeffentlichung